I teach Sunday School to the 14-15 age group in my ward every other week. It's great fun and they are good kids, (especially in class since my co-teacher doesn't take any flak whatsoever-she even scares me). Anyway, I was thinking that it might be a good idea to post what we discuss in class each week so I can remember it and perhaps use it again -- for next year's class. :)
Topic for today (or yesterday): Forgiving Others -- or in 2008 teenage terms 'don't hold on to grudges'.
I filled a backpack full of 15 heavy church books and called it the grudge bag. They each had to take a turn holding their bag of grudges during class (standing up, no leaning on things, no support from friends). They had to hold it for a minimum of 2 minutes. I was so proud of them, that bag was dang heavy--and they held it without complaint, some of them even carried it for about 5 min.
During the lesson, we incorporated this book by John Bytheway, this story from the OT and this talk from conference (which, except for the Tender Mercies talk, is one of my favorites). The kids participated and thanks to their comments, the class went really well. As I was walking down the hall to pick up Raspberry from Primary, a heard one of the girls say to her mom... 'She had us carry our 'bag of grudges', it felt good to get rid of it.'
It isn't as easy to 'get rid of it' when you are older, but it is something I work on everyday because life is so much better when they are gone.
Great object lesson! I do tend to hold onto grudges, but I've really been trying to let that go.
We had a "No Computer Games On Sunday" rule because my dad once let beans burn due to a distracting computer game. He still hasn't lived that down.
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