After work yesterday, I returned home to a kitchen floor full of water.
CC's cats always dash into the house when we get home and they were as surprised as I was when I opened the door and came into the kitchen. Watching them flip out as they hit the water made the whole situation kind of entertaining...
Apparently there was a crack in the kitchen faucet underneath the sink and when the faucet got turned on at full force the small crack became a full rupture and water went everywhere.
I used every single towel in the entire house, plus the old towels in the garage (you know, the old ripped ones you save for car wash day). A total of 26. I didn't even know I had 26 towels. After a fun hour of clean up I decided I'd had enough and I left to go to our RS enrichment night. My Stake President was speaking, and if you know me, you know I love him and his sweet wife, so I had to go.
While I was there, the husband of my close friend went to my house and took the faucet apart, made sure the water was off, and cleaned up. When I got home from the church our Home Teacher called and told me he was picking up a new faucet tomorrow and would put it in (not quite sure how my Home Teacher found out). One of my sweet friends told me she wanted to come over and get the towels to wash them. I hugged her and told her she has five kids, she has enough laundry to do. My cute RS President stopped by later in the evening to make sure I was okay, she said my bishop was concerned.
President Hinckley said this,
Since it is 9-11 today I think it is appropriate to say that there is still great kindness in the world. Our ward family radiates it and our little family is extremely grateful to be surrounded by it.
That's so great you have such great and close ward members. We've struggled with feeling invisible and unimportant in our ward for a long time, as it's mostly apartments.
Here's to a great weekend!
I'm sorry Kristina. We are really lucky. Hey, move by me! They will love you instantly. Who wouldn't?
Yes, may this weekend be great.
Twenty-six towels? I still can't believe it! I love your optimism and gratitude for the many awesome things you have in your life. I learn a lot from you and I know your kids do and will. I also love your hair and am jealous of your big soft curls.
Hi! I am happy everyone came out to help my sister! You know I would have had a pool party or something! 26 towels is alot of towels - I counted mine today - I only have 6. I need more towels. PS I love love love the hair!
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