Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Housing Crisis Diverted

Due to the amazing efforts of my friend I am finally out of that incredibly stupid--I can't believe I even allowed that to happen in the first place--ARM loan and into a --hallelujah--fixed rate.

My friend has saved us from homelessness and I am dedicating this post to her incredible abilities to keep me and my kids in our home during the flood of foreclosures.

Hurray for FIXED rates.
Burn in the fiery depths of hell ARM rates.

Hurray for my friend!


Kristina P. said...

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. We refinanced last year, and it was so nice to be out of that crappy loan.

Jenn -- said...


Unknown said...

YAY! So glad to hear that the whole thing is "fixed" now haha.

Love you all!

Unknown said...

P.S. Will send pics as soon as I can. They might have to come snail mail though as we still dont' have internet access at home. G-ma and G-pa MIGHT have some.

Andrea said...

You know it. I am awesome!!....whatever.

Unknown said...

Hi! I am glad you have fixed your problem, want to buy my house? Nobody else does either. I am looking into buying it myself and then selling it later. We will see. Love ya Cush