Friday, January 15, 2010

2 new things

We got a new camera for work. It takes great pictures...

It's very cool. Ann (see picture below) reminded me that it belongs to 161 and isn't the personal property of Jenn. What?

And Court cut my hair today. 
(before, blah hair)

(after)- Quite stylish. My friend Courtney has skills. Considering what she had to work with, she's a genius.

(of course all pictures were taking with the cool new camera that belongs to 161...)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Remember who you are.

Each morning on my way to work I take these three:

and drop them off at school. As they climb out of the car I call out,

     "make good choices"
     "be kind to others"
     "return with honor" and most importantly

     "remember who you are"

Yesterday, Emma was with me when I dropped them off. After I called out:
     "remember who you are"
Miss Emma said, "Mom, why do you say that?" They know who they are. They are Brax, Ryan, and Allie. Mom, they KNOW who they are (shaking her head).

I replied, "they know who they are sweetheart, but I want them to remember WHO they are". They are children of Heavenly Father, they are taught to make good choices, they are "Warriors for good" for the Savior (tried for a bit a dramatics there at the end).

She didn't say anything for a minute, and then she said, "Oh I get it!
That is so funny. I didn't think you knew that they know who they are, Like going to school makes them forget they are Brax, Allie and Ryan".
That is really funny."

and the she started to laugh. Here she is as we pulled out of the parking lot. I think she really thought I was crazy.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Our family in 2010.

no new year resolutions, only things we want to do this year.  I added the last one as an after thought. I'm so sneaky.

-oh, the brush IS on the kitchen table (Emma had hidden it and I had just found it) and if you looked to the left of the picture you can see where I burned the table. That's another post. Coming later.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Completely Spontaneous Sacrament Meeting Conversation

Emma: Mom!
Mom: shhh...
Emma: mum (quieter tone)
Mom: Yes?
Emma: Mom. I totally can't get married now. Rhett is gone and I don't know where Orry lives.
Mom: Orry? Orry who? (could have been Harry, not sure, she was trying to whisper)
Emma: I met him at the playground with Grandpa. So cute.
Mom: umm...ok.
Emma: Want to see the picture I colored?
Mom: sure.