Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Only four more days...

Our five weeks of summer camps come to an end on Friday. Here are a few of my favorite conversations from check-in over the last few weeks. I still need to get some from Nichole and Kari. I love the mothers. They make check-in so much fun.

Mom: Where does he eat?
Me: At the ______ cafeteria.
Mom: No, they tore that down.
Me: Actually, they did tear down the halls, but the cafeteria is still there.
Mom: No it isn't. I drove by. They tore that down.
Me: They did remove the buildings that housed the students (didn't we just cover that?) but they left the cafeteria intact. We just used it this past Friday with another camp.
Mom: Well. I think you are wrong, but as long as he gets to eat. I guess it's okay.
Me: (Didn't speak, just nodded. It is safer just to nod.)

Mom: When does he perform?
Me: At the _____at 6:00 p.m. and again at 8:00 p.m.
Mom: What time?
Me: (maybe I didn't annunciate) The groups perform at 6:00 p.m. and again at 8:00 p.m., the soloists will perform at one of those shows.
Mom: What time does he perform?
Me: (maybe I need to include more info) His group performs at 6 and 8 and performance times for the soloists will be decided on Wednesday morning.
Mom: I'm sure he will be a soloist.
Me: aaa... that's great.

Mom: If she performs at this time (pointing at the 7:30 p.m. sheet), she has a better chance of making it as a soloist. Right?
Me: Well, actually, it doesn't really matter what time they perform.
Mom: Oh, no! I know that last year no one got in that performed at this time (pointing to the 10:00 p.m. slot)
Me: (Really? How does she remember that?) Last week we had participants in all four time slots make it.
Mom: Well, I think she will have a better chance if she performs as the 9th person in the 7:30 time slot.
Me: Here's a pen. Good luck. I'm sure she will do great.

Mom: You need to sign up for the talent show.
Daughter: I don't want to.
Mom: You practiced for three weeks with this song.
Daughter: I know. But I can't sing like her.
Mom: You sound wonderful. (what a great mom)
Daughter: I don't sound anything like her.
Mom: Well, maybe you should sign up anyway.
Me: You can sign up now and if you change your mind, you can let me know.
Mom: I think you should sign up.
Daughter: Fine! But, I don't sound anything like her.
Me: Like who?
Daughter: Celine Dion!
Me: oh. Well, she is 35-40 years older than you. She's had many years to practice. So don't worry, I'm sure you will be great.
Mom: Celine is not 50. She's 20 something.
Me: (not really the point I was trying to make, but I know she isn't 20 something) Sorry. I didn't mean to offend Celine.

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