Saturday, February 23, 2008

The personality of a raspberry.

Since February is the month that my Raspberry turned 5, I wanted to write down some of the little things she likes, what she says, how she is learning and what bugs her!

The personality of a raspberry.

She loves it. Apples, bananas, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, pears, she will eat them all, and if you aren't watchful she'll eat yours too.

She loves to read. When I tell her to grab a couple of books, she always pokes her head around the corner and says "3 books?". She remembers that we need to read our scriptures together every night and say family prayer. She loves primary although sitting still isn't her greatest skill. She also loves to sing and dance.

Her favorite toy of choice with the exception of "Katy" the stuffed dog her Dad bought her would be her Dora Toys. She also loves to build and watch movies in her mom's room while laying on her mom's bed, eating in her mom's bed. And of course, she is still attached to bluey (blanket).

She has lots of friends at school (even a BOY-friend), but her two favorite friends would be her cousins M and H.

Her favorite thing to do is borrow anything that is her brother's. She and her brother have pillow fights in my room and he knocks her so hard she goes flying. She laughs out loud everytime. If I hold him down, she will jump on him. He is good to her and she loves him.

If I pretend I'm going to throw cold water on her she laughs and tries to hide behind the shower curtain. She has a bucket full of toys and she has a whole dialog going on with all of them while she plays in the tub.

-What she does not appreciate.
She doesn't like chocolate or vegetables. Period. You can beg (vegetables), but it really doesn't do any good, unless you threaten an early bed time.

She is her own woman. Very willful, full of spirit, loves to laugh and have her own way. If you want her to do something you have to ask a minimum of 3 times before she gives you the time of day. Don't get mad at her, that just bugs her and she will tell you that Jesus does not like mean mom's.

We sure love her.


Unknown said...

Wish I had her hatred for Chocolate, that would be helpful...the own woman thing...comes from her middle name! Love ya Cush...Happy Birthday Raspberry

Melissa said...

Hmmm she reminds me of someone else around there...well mostly the personality part...certainly not the chocolate part and I SURE hope you don't keep up a dialog with your bath toys!

Big cat said...
