Sunday, February 3, 2008

The many reasons I love the Gospel

During church today, one of my neighbors came to talk to me. He said that the siding on the south side of my house was coming off. He asked me if I had a tall ladder. I said no but I would borrow one and pound it back on. I thanked him for letting me know. About an hour after church, when Emma and I were downstairs, I heard this pounding on the side of the house. I went outside and there were three brethern (plus one of my home teachers) from my ward up on ladders fixing the siding in 30 mph wind and freezing snow. Apparently my neighbor had alerted our bishop who related the message in priesthood meeting. This is only one example of how great my ward is. I could tell you of a hundred more experiences just like this one.

BYUTV has been replaying the funeral of President Hinckley today. I will put up some pictures from the funeral. The one that is the hardest to look at is the empty chair between President Monson and President Eyring. President Hinckley always said to try a little harder, do a little better. I am recommitting myself to following his counsel. Tomorrow we get a new prophet. The work goes on. I don't know what I would do without the Gospel. It defines my life, it is my life.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy they were there to help you, if I lived closer I would have fixed it for you too, although I may have waited until Spring. ha ha...miss ya Cush

Anderson Family said...

I'm so glad that you are surrounded by those who love the Lord and love and care about you.