Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The non conformist.

 This picture is entitled "Who? Me?"

Apparently ms. Emma was having behavioral struggles at school...

These are emails from her teacher after I asked her to let me know how Emma was doing.

(Emma at school - November and December)
Thanks so much for staying this morning. That really was helpful! Unfortunately, she did not have a good rest of the day. She got up to a purple card (for talking, not paying attention, distracting others). I kept her and a few other kids in for the first few minutes of computers to talk to each of them about why they had to stay in and what they can do better next time. Then I told them that I wanted them to WALK to computers. The next second I hear screaming/yelling and running feet. Emma and two other girls were running and yelling and were all the way down the hallway. I made them all come back and gave them lunch detention for tomorrow (or Monday for Emma). Sorry to be the bearer of bad news! Hopefully next week will be better.

Emma’s Teacher

(Emma at school – mid January). 
Skills is a class you go to when you get a ‘purple’ card. You miss recess and go to skills. I suggested, perhaps they take away something she would miss, like the library or computers, because putting her in skills was just making her happy. I asked her about the ‘running like a maniac down the hall. She said they were excited, but their teacher ruined it.’ She and her teacher live on different planets I think)

I will definitely try to remember to email you each day. Just so you know, I will be out sick tomorrow, but I will start on Tuesday. If I ever forget, feel free to send me a quick email and I will respond quickly. I do know that the last time I sent her to skills she said "This is fun." The teacher who runs skills and I have been trying to think of things that will make it not so fun. It is great to know that she really enjoys Library and Computers. I will definitely try to take any time that she owes from those classes. Of course, you are welcome to come in whenever you want!

Thank you so much for your support at home. It is definitely more successful when she is held accountable for her behavior at school and home.

Emma’s Teacher

(Emma at school – end of January. We had a LONG talk about respect in Family Home Evening and about having respect for her teacher. She complained that she is always singled out (which may be true now). She then proceeded to grab a piece of paper and wrote R E S P E C T in BIG letters, really messy, across the paper and threw it on the kitchen floor and looked straight at me. I seriously wanted to laugh, but... she spent the evening in her room, first cleaning it and then laying on her bed. I’m thinking to myself, ‘this isn’t working mom. Come up with something else.’ I made a reward calendar at the table and took it upstairs to the penitentiary. Here is her teachers report on Tuesday evening)

Yes, she did keep a green card yesterday with the sub. Today she has been doing a great job! She just got one warning and has a yellow card. I will let you know if that changes in the last half hour of school, but I don't anticipate her getting any more warnings. She is trying very hard!!

Thanks, Emma’s Teacher

Apparently she liked the sub. Who was 'nice' and 'didn't yell at me or think I was going to do something bad.'

(Emma keeps looking at the calendar. She wants to know when she can go get her reward. I told her, “Saturday, as long as you stay green or yellow.” “Yellows' as good as green she said, walking out of the room.” I wonder if I should be worried about that statement)

(The next day)

Emma kept a green card today! Hooray!

Thanks, Emma’s Teacher

(and the next)

Another good day! She just got a yellow card. Hooray!

Thanks, Emma’s Teacher

(and now today)

Emma had another good day. She got a yellow card for jumping off of the bench by the office while we were walking in line. She has been so much less disruptive in class! She talks about the rewards that she will get and seems very excited about them. Thank you!!!!

Thanks, Emma’s Teacher

I have to say, I love my daughter and I am so glad she got a yellow card for this. I think watching her walk down the hall with her arms folded, in a line, marching behind her teacher like a robot would have bugged me more.

Conformists sometimes bother me.

Pronunciation [kuh n-fawr-mist]–noun
1. a person who conforms, esp. unquestioningly, to the usual practices or standards of a group, society, etc. This is an antonym of Emma Johnson.

Update: Last night I asked Emma about jumping on to the bench. She said, 'I was clear in the back mom! and she still saw me!' I told her that teachers have eyes in the back of their heads and she should probably save her jumping on the furniture for home. She laughed. 'I can't believe I got caught'.


byufish said...

I'll hold you to that when she's a teenager...hee hee hee...if you live that long!

K-SUN said...

Emma is so funny. I think I am going to make a reward calendar for myself!