*this is one of those mother/daughter talks so if you are easily offended, quit reading.
So this morning while I was drying my hair (head upside down of course), getting ready for work, I looked up to see my sweet raspberry shouting at me.
'Mom! Mom! Mom!'
'What's wrong? You are supposed to be getting dressed.'
'Mom! What are these?' ...pointing to two certain parts of her anatomy.
Sigh... I'm sure we've had this conversation before.
'Those are called breasts.'
'What are they for?'
'well, nothing right now really, but when you are older and a mommy, you will be able to feed your baby, it's called nursing, and they produce milk for the baby.'
horrified look...
'What! you mean you drink milk and it squirts out for the baby? That is SO dumb! Why don't you just give them a bottle.'
'No sweetheart, it...'
'stop mom! stop! no more talking!'
I guess I could have explained that better...
I think that she does make an excellent point. :)
LOL! Kids are so CUTE :)
That is to funny. I can't stop laughing.
i agree with raspberry... it IS pretty strange! i mean wouldn't it be easier if there was a milk-making machine and a baby making machine and an ice cream making machine... oh wait... just keep raspberry watching dora the explorer for the next 20 years so she doesn't have to take part of this alarming world.
She is way to smart for her age. She probably got that from her very smart Aunt. Thanks for all the comments on my blog!
Wait until you need to give Raspberry more info. Just so you know, from my own experience, there will probably be crying involved.
P.S. I hope you have an awesome weekend! Check out my blog to get your awards with l♥ts of l♥ve from me :) ♥ Hugs! :) Shauna
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