Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We have had quite an eventful weekend, and want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for our sweet little M.! She is now back to her normal high-energy self, and is miraculously not feeling any pain whatsoever. We truly appreciate all your help through the last few days, and definitely have felt the effects of all your prayers. It's great having family members with a "direct line" to Deity! ( Sometimes our own lines don't receive clear reception in the heavens. :) )
She fell (along with the stroller she was trying to climb into) down the steep embankment by our driveway, to the asphalt by the basement door. After untangling her from the stroller, it became apparent that she could not see. She then in turn went to sleep. After some intense hours of waiting for x-rays to be read and cat scan results, we were made aware of the fracture in the back of her head. She was then transported by ambulance to Primary Children's. Long story short, Primary Children's Hospital was great! I feel so lucky to have it just across the valley. They fortunately found no internal bleeding and continued to monitor for swelling. She enjoyed her sleep-over at the hospital, eating milkshakes, and watching movies. She did not enjoy the sticky electrodes or the IV tape.
She is on a reduced activity regimen with no high speed activities...which for her is only when she's asleep. Her little brother has been assigned a no-sister wrestling month, and we have hidden his bat. Again, we appreciate all your help and prayers through the last few days. We love each of you very much!
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