Saturday, May 31, 2008

Today's conversations with my crew

Your planet would be made of vegetables.

On our way home today, after picking up my precious cargo from their weekend visit with their dad, cc asked his cousin Kyle --'if he could pick anything - what would his world be made of?' I think Kyle said candy. CC said - yep, candy or ice cream! Raspberry, who doesn't like to be left out of any conversation, said, I want mine to be made of berries and lots of fruit and mom wants hers to be made out of vegetables! She always wants me to eat vegetables. A dumb vegetable planet. There was a note of distaste in her voice as she muttered that last line...

Where are you going?

I was inside making lunch when I looked out the front window and couldn't see raspberry any longer. I went outside to check on her and saw her about 1/2 way up the block headed to some unknown destination with an older girl that lives next door. I yelled out her name and she immediately turned around and started walking back home, head hung down. When she finally got to the yard I asked her where she was going. She just looked at me and sat on the grass and said, I was going with my friend. I asked her where her friend was going and she just shrugged her shoulders and said --I don't know. There is a message in there somewhere...

Mom-I guess I could handle a stepfather...

what???... he continues... --if I really had to, but you're not thinking about getting me one soon right? --um, wasn't planning on it... unless I can get one at Albertson's, the gas station, or my office. I seem to be in those three places a lot these days.

You just have to be polite.

Here is a direct quote from cc --Mom I was polite and I wasn't even faking.

Adults try too hard.

Another direct quote from my 12 year old.

I just need to take a little rest.

As we were taking Kyle back home tonight, raspberry said -- mom, if it's all right, I need to take a little rest. -- she was sound asleep about 10 seconds later.

You are the best mommy ever!

What raspberry said to me as I gave her a bowl full of huge organic raspberries this afternoon. I bought them from Wild Oats yesterday at $6.99 lb. ouch. Oh, while I was there I also bought this decadent lotion that smells like vanilla and sweet oranges. It smells divine and was cheaper than the two lbs. of raspberries.

Fruit from Wild Oats - whether you eat it or slather it all over your body -- is expensive.

Mom, will you read to me?

What cc said as he handed me his Book of Mormon, laid back on his bed and closed his eyes -- a moment for a mom to cherish.


Unknown said...

I love all those conversations, wish I could have been around for them. We will have fun conversations like that when I get there 1 week and 6 days! Yay! Oh bye the way you have to come up with your own word, dont worry though it will hit you, probably around 3 AM like mine did. Get back to me when you get it! Love ya Cush

K-SUN said...

You have such sweet, funny, and cute children. I hope to be that lucky one day!

Unknown said...

I love the new look, your going to have to teach me when I get there! See you soon! Cush

Unknown said...

Cute conversations. I have to agree with CC, adults DO try to hard. SOmetimes I would LOVE to be a kid again!