Wednesday, October 6, 2010

fhe. monday. october 4. 2010.

Emma was really sick on Sunday and Monday. She tossed and turned on Sunday night, so we took a family drive up Payson Canyon to see the colors and to get her out of the house. 

Brax took the photos and Emma slept through the entire drive. We couldn't even wake her up to look at the deer, but Brax and I had a good time. He took the most of the pictures and made the dessert. Yum.


Big cat said...


Ann said...

The colors haven't started to change here yet. I miss it! Sounds like you've got a sweet deal with that boy of yours!

Kristi said...

I love the Fall. I do not have words to describe how it makes me feel to walk, run, or drive down and street that is full of changing trees.
These were beautiful pictures that catch the beauty.
What a darling son and daughter you have.
They are lucky to have you!