Monday, October 5, 2009

Self Expression

She had earned $4 this week helping out her mama. So while her sweet brother was at Priesthood Meeting on Saturday evening we went to Macey's so she could buy her own drink and treat.

She purchased this instead.

and wore it all day Sunday.


Shauna said...

Thank You SOOOO much for inviting me to your blog :) You are awesome!
♥ HUGS ♥

Bartman said...

That was only four bucks? Where do you shop? That's pretty awesome! Looks like you've got a Tom boy on your hands! My 9 year son is a little effeminate, he wanted some girl's bike accessories last time we were at the Great and Abominable Church of the Devil, uh, I mean Wal-Mart. I made him get a GI Joe doll instead. Wait! I got him a doll! Oh well, at least it wasn't pink!

Love your blog!