Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hair tragedy at the local Albertsons

On our way home last night we made a quick stop at the store. During our short shopping excursion, Raspberry climbed under the cart and pushed it forward with her hands. Her long hair got caught and wrapped itself around the wheel, about five times. This all happened within about 10 seconds while I walked away from the cart to grab apple juice. I heard loud shrieks and screaming coming from under the cart in a mostly quiet store. I ran to the rescue. Unfortunately the cart was somewhat full of food so I had to hold it up with my back while trying to unwind her hair from the wheel, all while listening to her sob, "Mommy, I'm stuck, it hurts!" We had to sacrifice about 3". Many thanks to the lady with the scissors. When I picked her up she said (sobbing), "Now my curly hair is flat!"

Many thanks to her brother for providing the photos. He tried not to laugh and even mustered up a heartfelt "you okay?"

As we were leaving raspberry said, "This is a bad store!"


Suzy Q said...

Raspberry, I hope that you are ok. That sounded like it hurt!

K-SUN said...


I have curly hair too. Don't worry it grows back thicker and more lovely. You will have to play with us at another BBQ soon.

Unknown said...

AWWWW! Poor Raspberry. I hope her's does grow back in curly...it was so pretty. A's never did and probably won't. Poor girl...I am sure it hurt!

Unknown said...

Raspberry, what are you doing playing with a cart without your Aunt Cush! Save those days of playing for when I come to visit! I am sorry you got hurt and your hair will grow back more beautiful than ever. Kudos to CC for the great pictures. And mom for coming to the rescue!