Saturday, January 12, 2008

My Saturday.

After work yesterday I was so tired (long week), so I sat down on the couch and watched Ghost Whisperer and Moonlight. I had no motivation to do anything else except make dinner for raspberry and cc. So this is what I get to do today.

-Get all those Christmas decorations back into bins and into the garage. If I don't do anything else today, this has to be done. I can't stand it anymore.
-Clean kitchen. Friday's dishes (both breakfast and dinner) are in the sink. Oops.
-Do laundry.
-Go to store and buy detergent for laundry.
-Put away laundry (from today's washing and the loads on Thursday, and I think Wednesday's load is still sitting on my floor.)
-Clean out the car.
-Clean the bathrooms.
-Clean my room and move ALL of raspberry's toys back to her room.
-Make my kids clean the basement and the toy room.
-Supervise cleaning of previous listed items.
-Finish young women lesson.
-Sweep and/or vacuum floors.
-Get off the computer and get to work.
-Collapse, go to church tomorrow and then work on Monday.

What I really want to do is fly to Florida and go shopping with my sister.


Unknown said...

Sounds like you have a busy day planned. I need to put away laundry as well.

Hopefully we will get to see you soon!!

Anonymous said...

That sounds fun,I will send grandma and grandpa up to babysit and you come shopping sista! Love ya Cush