Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Update

1. Christmas-great. Especially the drive from brother's house to church house for Christmas party in a blizzard. Took over an hour (20 min. drive). Raspberry slept the entire way, CC gripped the door for the entire ride. Freeway was fun, it was pandemonium. No lines, packed snow, cars everywhere. We slid our way downtown and had fun with the relatives.

2. Traditions. Mostly accomplished. 8 books instead of 12 (read previous posts). I'm going to wrap them and give them again next year. They will never remember. :)

3. MoTab Christmas concert. FABULOUS! PERFECT! WONDERFUL! I think I already wrote that...

4. Gingerbread houses. Turned out great. We ate most of the candy over the next week and got sugar highs.

5. Christmas cookies. Never baked. Don't have a clue how come. Actually, I never said that was a tradition, so that doesn't count.

6. Giving Day. PAINFUL and LONG. Grandpa actually helped because the kids went to a Christmas party with their Dad. If he hadn't helped I would still be sorting. Ended up well though - gave away 4 full bins of good toys to DI. Toy room was clean, for about... oh, 2 days.

7. Tree. Still up. I know, I know... BUT!!! decorations are off, sort of. I took them off and raspberry put them back on in the bottom corner. She's still in denial that Christmas is over. The kids are trying to talk me into decorating it for Valentine's Day. It's a standoff.

Other stuff...
New job. Nope. Too bad for me. It's okay though. Wanted the extra income, but not the job really. Like my own job. Would have helped secure us to stay in our home, but we will work it out.

Weather. I'm officially sick of snow and having the cats under my feet. If I put them outside they would freeze to death. I have been known to lock them in the garage until they are freed from captivity by Raspberry.

Raspberry and CC. Back in school (not so happy about that). Still wonderful and fabulous.

Work. BUSY! Which is why I haven't posted in over two weeks. Sorry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay, Thank you for posting! Good to hear about your traditions....and that Raspberry and CC are back in school! Miss ya ya Cush