Friday, August 31, 2007

How I Taught my 11-year old to make Pancakes

I should title this "I am the worst mother in the world today", but I'm in denial. I left (in a rush as usual) for work this morning (my cute cc (chocolate chip) walks to school a little after I leave) when he called me as I was headed up the on ramp to the freeway. "Mom..." "What's up"... "um, you forgot to make me breakfast."

Today I get the worst mother award. How is it possible that I forgot to make sure my child ate something...

"What can I eat?" ... he is used to making cereal on his own... how about cereal.. wait, there is no milk (I didn't have time to go to the store last night, between heading home from work, making dinner and heading out to a church meeting that lasted a very long time.) Eggs? nope. Oatmeal? nope. (I really need to go grocery shopping). "okay kiddo, it's time to teach you to make pancakes".

p.s. I don't care what anybody says about cell phones (yes! I use a hands free device). I absolutely love mine. They were invented for moms like me.

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