Wednesday, January 18, 2012

mom and her powers

I was driving to work with Michelle today. She came and got me because my car is sick. Very sick. Like me. It's quite sad. Anyway, as we were driving I remembered something Brax had said to me a while ago that made me laugh out loud right there in the car.  I don't even remember what our conversation was about, but I remembered these few words.  Isn't it funny how memories can do that? 

"Mom. Are you disappointed or angry? Because, really, I'd rather go with angry."

Brax - at age 9 or 10

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Valentine Tree

Our Valentine Tree is back in honor of Em's Valentine Birthday and also because I enjoy the weird looks from my friends that seem to say...

"Hey. It's post New Years, almost February. Why do you crazy people still have your Christmas tree up?"

Fun times at home.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Hey! You're cheating!

She really does have the gift of persuasion. She convinced her brother, his friend and his cousins to play "Hedbanz" with her over Christmas break. Not just once, but multiple times. Just so you know, the one with the hippo kept winning and the dice kept standing on the chair so she could see her reflection in the microwave.  The elephant and the paintbrush duo kept giving each other hints. Our horse was the only clean player. 

Fun times at home as always.