Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Pillow Fight is Upstairs

While in the kitchen the night before last, I heard the makings of a massive pillow fight going on upstairs. As the 15 year old is quite a bit bigger than the 7 year old my ears were open listening for the beginning of tears.

Instead I hear a loud scream, gulps of laughter and then this,

"Mom! Mom! Man down! Man down! Send a medic!"

Friday, November 12, 2010

Today is Friday.

I made it. I have felt like a bumbling fool most of the work week but now I'm going to claw my way home over the gravel.

or to the church, because there is a RS meeting/activity and my friend Heidi is in charge and she is my friend, so you go. Right?

p.s. I could never get away with this outfit at work.