Thursday, March 18, 2010

waz up which u?

I do not like this picture of me. Eek.

I received an email from my brother today (see photo above).  So it has become the subject of my blog post.

To:  Jennefer Johnson
From: Hank Smith
Date:  Thursday, March 18, 2010 7:02 AM
Subject:  Alive?

Hey, where have you been lately? No postings on the blog, barely any return texts, waz up which u?

My reply:

-Uh huh. I’m alive. Exhausted but alive.
-Work is HARD, but tis the season (plus one shouldn’t complain when one has employment)
-I’m going to paint the basement this weekend because I cannot face another Saturday in this office.
-I bought a plug in sander (sp?).  IT IS COOL.
-The paint is called Coconut Milk, or there is one called BASKET.  It has yellow undertones, which I kind of like. I can't decide, but I must.
-oh. one wall is going to be Milk Chocolate. How FANTASTIC is that? Makes you want to lick the walls.
-I’ve been neglecting my blog. I will post something soon. I have lots to post, just no time. 
-Poor me. Whaaaaaaa
-Hugs to everyone.

Love you.

P.s. I think I will blog this email. 

I should let him blog about the time I went to hear him speak at a single adult fireside this past winter. It is the GREATEST story.   

-Oh, and he has a Facebook FAN page. Want to join? I'm a card carrying member. :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

the sad ending of chicken little (and a few friends)

Last night, in kitchen, after family home evening...

Emma:  MOM!!!! MOM!!!!

me: what's wrong? (running down the stairs)

Emma (irate): Mom! Read this!  
(tried, she read it for me) 

Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky and Cocky Locky were NEVER SEEN AGAIN!  

Look mom! That stupid fox killed them!

What kind of a book is this?  

This is not for children!

Are they trying to traumatize me! I am only in 1st grade!

This is a horrible book.  I'm telling the library. 
This is not like the movie!

(stomped away)

me: what just happened?

Monday, March 1, 2010

and she tears up...

Thursday, February 25, 2010.

Came home from work, dropped bags in kitchen, kicked off shoes, went upstairs, changed clothes, came downstairs to start dinner, and found this child in the kitchen (already in his sweats)...

Reading the New Era. 

I need a moment...